I’ve always wanted to be the type of person who exercised in the morning, but could never get the motivation to actually do it. Well, by some miracle (the book, The Miracle Morning, to be precise), for the last month, I have finally been that person!

I made the decision that every morning I would start my day with a short yoga practice. Why yoga and not a sweaty 1 hour HIIT session, you may ask? To be honest, I wanted to go into this with realistic expectations of myself and I knew going from 0 to 100 would probably lessen my chances of success. Yoga seemed like the perfect activity to ease into my new life as a morning-exerciser.

Enter: Kassandra, otherwise known as Yoga with Kassandra.

Literally, the day after I decided I would be becoming a morning yogi, I came across Kassandra on YouTube and saw her most recent video, posted mere hours earlier, titled: 10 min Morning Yoga Stretch For BEGINNERS – Day #1, the first in a series of 30 videos. Fate??

I’d recently read that when you do something for 30 days in a row, good or bad, it officially becomes a regular tendency or practice that is hard to give up, aka, a habit. So, just like that, I was on board with what Kassandra dubbed the Morning Yoga Movement 30 Day Yoga Challenge!

Now, I’m no stranger to yoga (I have been practicing for several years, though, by no means consider myself an expert) and this video series was categorized as ‘for beginners’. But I thought, a simple, brand new, 10 minute yoga session every morning, for free, I’ve got nothing to lose! So off I went.

Every day of the challenge, each new video was centered around a different area of focus (shoulder release, flexibility, etc.), and featured its own positive affirmation, which you’re meant to mindfully focus on throughout the practice. The videos were all quite easy to follow, and actually still had some challenging movements sprinkled in, which is nice for the more seasoned yogis out there.

Well, today I officially finished the Morning Yoga Movement 30 Day Yoga Challenge. The verdict…I loved it! I was a bit surprised at how adding only 10 minutes of yoga to my morning routine could have such a positive impact on the rest of my day. The benefits I experienced were both physical and mental. I felt less stiff, less stressed, and experienced a major boost in my mood afterwards, all things which I’m sure we can all benefit from during these times. I enjoyed it so much so that tomorrow, I plan to start the 30 day challenge all over again!

What about you? Will you join me? Are you up for dedicating 10 minutes every morning to your health and happiness? If so, click here to start your own Morning Yoga Movement.

And in case you were wondering, you don’t need any equipment for this challenge, but I will say it does enhance the experience if you do have it. To make your practice feel like the real deal, I’d recommend getting yourself a nice yoga mat (€12.08 // $15.82) and 2 yoga blocks (€26.99 // $45.95). I suggest going for cork blocks, which are more firm and much less slippery than the foam variety, providing maximum stability. I don’t know about you, but when it comes to yoga, I need all the stability I can get!!

I’m curious, is yoga already a part of your regular routine? Why or why not? Leave a comment and let me know!


  1. I also joined Kassandra’s 30 day challenge! The BEST way to start the day! She also includes a few minutes of a positive affirmation meditation after the yoga session. Highly recommended! Great post, Meghan!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you’re loving it too! I’ve now started to do my own affirmations afterwards, which I wrote to be a bit more specific to my life. But Kassandra’s affirmation video is great as well!


  2. Well hello there! Your post hit close to home, cause I just finished the book Miracle Morning and by fate or serendipity came across the 30 Days Morning Yoga Movement by Kassandra….ahah sounds very similar to your story… except I’m only on Day 10, but it’s the farthest i’ve got to keep a morning commitment in a really really long time…
    Congrats on finishing the challenge and going for a 2nd round!
    Kassandra is amazing! And after practicing this challenge, I gotta say, I feel like a Million bucks!

    Great Post!!
    Namaste 💞✨

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your wonderful message, Aylem. It’s funny how the universe works sometimes, isn’t it? Congratulations to you for starting this journey. I’m excited for you and hope you keep with it. The Miracle Morning Facebook group Hal created is great for staying motivated if you haven’t already joined that. 🙂

      Wishing you much success!


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